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How to Write a Resume that Shouts, “HIRE ME”


Resumes will certainly vary depending on whether you’re a recent graduate, changing careers, or looking to move up in leadership. But no matter what your level of experience is—or what industry you’re in—experts say every resume should have certain core elements.


1. Education

Recruiters should not have to hunt for your education credentials. Keep this part simple and to the point. If you graduated with high honors, make sure to highlight this!


John Doe

Southern Methodist University – Dallas, Texas

BA in Accounting and Finance (cum laude) – GPA 3.8


2. Professional Experience & Title

This is the “meat and bones” of your resume. Many job seekers make the mistake of only listing out the responsibilities of their prior employment. Instead, you need to focus on your accomplishments. In this section be sure to list important, impressive and relevant achievements.

Don’t forget the Title. When someone is reviewing your resume, there should be no question on the type of role you are seeking.


3. Computer Skills

Let’s face it! We live in a technology driven world. If you are applying for a role that involves key computer skills, be sure to list out programs that you are efficient and knowledgeable in. Another good thing to add are programs that you have worked with in prior roles. This includes Salesforce, Microsoft and other CRM systems that might give you a leg up on another candidate.


4. Verbs! Not adjectives!

In your resume, you want your verbiage to be bold and to the point. Rely on verbs, not adjectives, to convey a sense of action. Here are a few action verbs to include to help boost your resume: devised, verified, engineered, shaped, balanced, tailored, spearheaded, modernized, enhanced, led, organized, restored, reformed.


5. Contact Information

This might seem very obvious, but you would be surprised at how many resumes leave out this key information! Be sure to include your full name, email, phone number and URL to your LinkedIn profile.



The best resumes are the ones that not only communicate your skills and experience level, but also the potential value you bring to the company. At Southwest Search, we take pride in all our applicants and ensure that every resume is reviewed and checked by our internal team before passing on to a potential job opportunity.




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